You have way more choice than you may already realize. Life can be strategic. If you sidestep the land minds that wait in your path, and swat those mosquitoes thirsty for a meal, you can create a life with fewer setbacks and more accomplishment.
Yes – stuff just happens, but you can learn how to transfer your risk. Make provisions for the stuff that is likely, or even guaranteed to show up in your life. Some risk is real and some is ridiculous. Don’t be a victim to crisis or a sucker for those who may just be praying on your fear. Life insurance, health insurance, money insurance (annuities) are a few area that can increase the odds that you and your family will have the life you want.
Watch the video above, Transfer Your Risk. Then take a look at the 3 Phases of Life video, and the Know Your Options video. These three videos will give you a strong sense of how we think, and help you design a plan to navigate many of life’s obstacles.